Friday, October 25, 2013

Suggestion or Comment: I had a friend who graduated top of her class at this school in 2010. She returned to her native country. I have almost 3 boxes of her books in Family Therapy she left behind and don't need anymore. I would like to donate them to the school for someone who can use these books, they are a veriaty of topics all to do with Family Therapy. Please let me know what is my best option to release me of these books, some are still in good condition some have notes in them but all are still good as used books. Thank you in helping me release these books into good hands.

I received your message about donating your friend’s family therapy books to the library. We do not collect textbooks so I cannot add them to our collection. You might try the Bookstore to see if they might buy them back. Since they are from 2010 or earlier, it is likely that they may not still be currently used. If that fails, my suggestion is to take them to a resale book store such as Half Price Books or Recycled Books here in Denton.

Sorry that we cannot accommodate your request but I appreciate your consideration.


Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University