Thursday, December 5, 2013

Please monitor the 3rd floor for those not observing the noise ordinance. I have had several instances within the last week where the sound level was so high on the third floor (the SILENT floor) in both the computer lab area and adjacent study rooms in which I was working that I just had to leave the library in order to find solace. Please regulate this by sending someone around on a regular basis to make sure rules are adhered. This is especially important to those of us trying to find a quiet place to study and prepare for finals. Thank you.

Thank you for bringing the noise problem to my attention. While we do not have area in Blagg Huey that is completely silent, we are committed to creating an environment that is conducive to study. Our expectation is students will be quiet and considerate of their peers on the 3rd floor study space. In the evenings a security guard walks the building and reminds students to be quiet; however, at any time you feel the noise is excessive please speak to a library employee. Library staff are empowered to approach groups and individuals who are disruptive. They will enforce our expectation that students will silence their cell phones, refrain from loud or disruptive conversations, and engage in quiet conversation in areas that are not designated as quiet spaces.


Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman's University


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Suggestion: Why don't we have 24 hour access to the library? If it's budget costs, then I think we could at least have earlier opening hours on a regular basis. I think 7:30 am is an inconvenience.

Response: Thank you for your question. The Libraries assess hours of operation every year and a few years ago in response to student use we extended hours on Friday nights. More recently we began extending hours during finals. Based on building use, availability of staff, student workers and security personnel and advice from our Student Advisory Committee Blagg Huey Library is open from 7:00 am until 2:00 am during finals. The Libraries and Dining Services work together to provide coffee breaks and healthy snacks during finals.

Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries