Friday, January 17, 2014

My suggestion is to consider again the purchase of ISI so that we can look up h indexes as a measure of faculty research productivity in popular areas. Many University professors are judged based on this index, and it has been recommended as an essential tool for PT programs that are in the national research intensive group, yet we cannot access this index at TWU.
Thank you for sending us your suggestion to reconsider the purchase of ISI for the libraries. ISI is part of a product called “Web of Science”, which the TWU Libraries looked at twice in the last 6 years. We were not able to purchase it due to its high cost. However, the publisher of “Web of Science” has just introduced a new platform so I have contacted them to check on pricing once again.

We appreciate your communications.

Thank you.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
Blagg-Huey Library
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Please consider opening the Dallas Center on Sundays. Commuter students living in Dallas, Cedar Hill, Mesquite, and other surrounding cities have to travel to the Denton, on a Sunday,when library services are needed. This happens often especially for doctoral students. A trial period with Sunday services from noon to 5pm would offer both students and TWU the opportunity to evaluate whether or not a Sunday opening of the Dallas Center is needed. Thank you for the opportunity to make this suggestion.

Thank you for your suggestion. In Dallas the libraries provide services when the campus is open and currently the Dallas campus is closed on Sundays. I will share your suggestion with the Dallas campus manager and we will monitor the number of requests.


Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman's University