Monday, December 10, 2012

- Is there any way the library would consider extending their hours during finals week? I mostly am concerned about the Saturday and Sunday prior to finals week, as the library closes early on Saturday (6 pm) and opens late on Sunday (2 pm). I am not suggesting having it open 24 hours, but maybe if it could be more available on those two days? (i.e. Close at 10 pm/midnight Saturday, and open at 9 am on Sunday.) It's difficult for students to utilize the last weekend before early finals with the limited hours and other obligations.

Excellent student support is one of the library’s top priorities. A library survey conducted during Fall 2012 identified the need for longer hours to support students studying for finals. Blagg Huey library administration is considering safety and service issues and will work with student library advisors to determine which hours of extended service will be most helpful. I appreciate your suggestion that we extend hours on Saturday and Sunday before finals.

Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries