Thursday, August 23, 2012

- I am exceedingly frustrated with the recall policy here at TWU. I am a PhD student and I recently spent countless hours researching the specific books I needed to study for my comprehensive examinations. I was ecstatic to see that TWU held most of the books I needed, so I checked all 12 or so of them out. THE VERY NEXT DAY I got an email saying that one of the books had been recalled. Then the NEXT day, I got ANOTHER email saying another one of the books had been recalled -- even though there is another edition of the exact same book available in the TWU library. I really do not feel that the recall service is fair at all. Library books should be available on a first come, first served basis. What is the point of a due date if anyone can recall a book at any time for any reason? If someone really needed the book, I know for a fact that it is available at UNT's library -- right down the road from us!! OR the student (or faculty member) who needed the book should have been required to use ILL. I really don't see how the recall service is fair at all. All libraries operate based on a first come, first served basis. If the book is checked out, it is checked out. That person then can use ILL or go to another library themselves to get the book they need. I hope that you will reconsider allowing students and faculty to recall books. There is no need for this! I will now be playing the "recall game" just so I can study for my exams.

I am sorry that you are frustrated by the recall of two of your titles. Our policy on recalls is readily available on our website:
Recall Request

If an item is checked out, OR if it is needed for a course Reserve, you can request a recall by Circulation Staff. TWU students, faculty, and staff may recall an item online as well. Please fill out the Recall form online are or at the Circulation Desk in the library. A Recall Notice will be sent to the patron who currently has the item, informing them that it has been recalled and that it is necessary for them to return the item within 10 days. If the item is not returned within 10 days as requested, a fine will accrue at the rate of $2.00 per day. Keep in mind that recalls are done to ensure that all patrons have access to library resources. Patrons cannot recall Browsing materials, Reserves, or Laptops

Once an item is recalled, you do have 10 days before it must be returned and fines begin to accrue. In your case you have until August 27, 2012. TWU Libraries does not own a second copy of “Short History of Writing Instruction”; the other title that you see listed has a different subtitle. We also own just one copy of “Rhetoric and Reality”.
There are still options for you within that 10 day window, such as using Library scanners (free of charge) to capture the information that you need before returning it. Or, if the material is available at UNT and in this case both of the titles are, you are free to checkout materials from them. Both titles are also available on Amazon (“Short History” is also available for rent at Amazon). You also have the option of recalling the books back again once they are checked out to the other patron.
It is unfortunate that your materials were recalled so quickly. Normally this is not the case. Most of our patrons are happy to be able to recall items that are checked out to others, especially since our loan periods are very generous.
Again, I am sorry that you are unhappy with our policy, but it is fairly standard in academic libraries.

If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University Libraries
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
(940) 898-3767