Friday, February 13, 2015


Since the signs apparently do not work as well as they should, could someone please please make regular rounds on the third floor to remind students that the third floor is a quiet floor and not for study groups. Today, Sunday, January 25 is the second time I have had to tell a group to quiet down. I do not think I should absolutely have to reserve a room for quiet especially when I enjoy using the double monitors on the quiet floor. Thank you.


We are so sorry you have been inconvenienced. We do our best to keep the 3rd floor a quiet floor. We do have Security Guards starting around 6 PM to Midnight during the week and on weekends Saturday all day and Sunday starting at 2 PM until Midnight. They do walk all floors. If however, if you do have a problem with noise, please feel free to call the Information desk, 898-3701 or 898 3702 and report the problem and one of our staff will help you.

We are exploring ways for our full time staff to walk all floors at least once an hour to curb noise on the 3rd floor or to prevent noise.

Also, you might explore the 2nd floor for the quiet space (not a study room). There are several areas students are not aware of because they are tucked away behind the stacks (south side of the floor). The areas are very quiet and have study carrels to use.

If you have any questions or concerns please call me (940 898 3746)

Thank you for informing us of this problem.

Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
Room 208