Hello, I think it would be helpful if the library had some sort of baskets or small carts available for students to use if they have bigger selections they are making, or if they have trouble carrying even the smaller ones. I know I had a little bit of trouble carrying some of the microfilms I have been looking at. Because the microfilms are on a different floor from the machine, I have to grab a whole sittings worth in one trip. It's not heavy, just difficult to carry. Have a basket that I could carry them in would be very helpful. If this service is already available to students, then it simply is not well publicized. Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your suggestion that the Library provide baskets or small carts for students to use when transporting several items within the building. We do have small carts available (dark blue in color) for this at the ends of the stacks, but I realize that they are often missing from where you need them to be. We are happy to look into this idea and see if we can find a better solution.
I appreciate your suggestion and thank you for working with us to make the Library a better place for our students.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
Blagg-Huey Library
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528