Tuesday, November 4, 2014
I would happily spend all of my money at a coffee/tea/pastry place if there was one at the library. I would love to see something at the Library similar to The Bakers Dozen in the Student Union.
We would happily love for you to spend your money here for Coffee/Tea/Pastry if we could only convince the powers that be to let us build an area to accommodate these needs. We have been trying to do this for years. We know the need and we are working very hard to make this happen. In the meantime, we do serve coffee and snacks during finals week. We serve coffee and snack twice a night during this time period.
Thank you for taking time to let us know your thoughts and we get these comments often. Hopefully soon we will be able to have these services available.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
940 898 3746
I would LOVE to see some Max Lucado books!
Thank you for your suggestion to purchase more Max Lucado books for the Library. Usually these titles are given to us by the publisher so we will add them as we receive them.
I appreciate your interest in the Library Collections.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
Blagg-Huey Library
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
please stay open 24/7 :(
We are in discussions concerning your suggestion. There are many students that are requesting 24/7 hours for the Library. Please know we do stay open until 2 AM during finals. We also serve coffee and snacks during this time. Unfortunately at this time we do not have the staff or the budget to keep our building open 24/7. We sincerely hope in the near future we will be able to accommodate the hours needed.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
I think the library should have a lounge where students can warm-up their lunches and drinks. It would be nice to have a lounge with a microwave and a coffee maker to brew our our coffee and teas we bring from home since I hear the library cannot afford a kiosk like some of the other buildings. If the third floor can have a lounge for the staff, why can't the library have one for the students? Also, perhaps the circulation desk can keep a refrigerator of Starbucks coffee and other drinks behind their desk, so students can purchase them. And I know the library must keep a certain temperature because of the computers and equipment, but I still believe the library is too cold. When I come to the library to study and work, I come for long periods of time, and I am already overloaded with books, supplies, and other things I have to bring with me. Now, I have to bring sweaters and throw blankets to keep warm because everything freezes to the bone, and I end up with a runny nose. My friends agree. It is sad that after spending fifteen minutes, we try to find a desk or table that sits under a sunlit window for warmth. The library used to be a favorite place of mine, but it is falling out of my grace when I think of how much I need to prepare for an indoor winter climate when I plan to work at the library.
Thank you for taking the time to make your suggestions.
The Dean of Libraries is exploring along with University Administration, the options of having a coffee lounge that would serve different types of drinks, hot and cold. This area would also have food available.
The temperature problem (freezing cold) is being addressed as I write. As soon as your suggestion came to me I notified Facilities Management. If this problem persists, please let me know as soon as possible. We do not want you to be uncomfortable and miserable while trying to study.
Thank you again for your suggestions.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
940 898 3716
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The scanners are distracting and annoying, I would like to suggest that they be in separate rooms or at least hearing distance away from the other computers, as this would help alleviate the problem. Thank you for considering my suggestion.
Thank you for contacting the library. We try to provide the best services to students using the library. The scanners have been increasingly important to operations and use of materials by students.
We are investigating why the scanners are so heavily used, and determine a better way to provide access to what they are scanning. We will also take into consideration your concern about scanning being done next to computers in use for studying.
Thanks again for the feedback, it helps us provide better services to you and other students.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
Phone: 940-898-3909
I would like there to be coffee in the library because I get sleepy.
Thank you for your suggestion. We do serve coffee during Finals week along with snacks. We have tried many times to have a coffee bar in the Library, but the Library is not properly equipped to have a coffee bar due to the plumbing situation. We do have Coke and Dr. Pepper machines in our snack room a Please remember our staff, during Finals, do make pots of coffee to serve our students studying. We make announcements when coffee is available.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
940 898 3746
I have attended Texas Woman's University for three years and my absolute favorite place to study is the library specifically the Third Floor. However,since I have arrived back to school for Fall 2014 this has not been the quietest floor. Previous semesters I could depend on this place to be a quiet, work- oriented study-friendly place but that is no longer.I suggest that the staff ensure that the study rooms are being used for studying and not socializing. Not every room will have multiple occupants and this may the only time we have quiet time we are able to have. Please make sure that the "Sssssssh....quiet" part is being enforced. I spend m 4-6 hours a day in the library and I am here on the weekends as well and I try not to disturb anyone during their study concentration and I deserve like wise. The library security guy enforced this rule and I appreciated his effort to make sure the noise level was controlled on the third floor.I just would like to a quiet place to study again.
Thank you for taking the time to let me know the library is your favorite place to study and alerting library staff to the problems you are having finding a quiet study space. We recognize that as more students use the library, the noise level grows. We are addressing the problem with short and longer term solutions. Currently I am working with DPS to double the security personnel so that we will have security guards in the building to help staff manage the noise levels more hours during the week. I spoke to the University design staff person this week about the addition of acoustical baffles to reduce noise levels.
I am sorry for any inconvenience you have experienced and if your work is being disrupted by noise, please ask the employee at the information desk for assistance.
Sherilyn Bird Dean of Libraries
940-898-3764 Fax
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Hello, I think it would be helpful if the library had some sort of baskets or small carts available for students to use if they have bigger selections they are making, or if they have trouble carrying even the smaller ones. I know I had a little bit of trouble carrying some of the microfilms I have been looking at. Because the microfilms are on a different floor from the machine, I have to grab a whole sittings worth in one trip. It's not heavy, just difficult to carry. Have a basket that I could carry them in would be very helpful. If this service is already available to students, then it simply is not well publicized. Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your suggestion that the Library provide baskets or small carts for students to use when transporting several items within the building. We do have small carts available (dark blue in color) for this at the ends of the stacks, but I realize that they are often missing from where you need them to be. We are happy to look into this idea and see if we can find a better solution.
I appreciate your suggestion and thank you for working with us to make the Library a better place for our students.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
Blagg-Huey Library
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Hello, It would be wonderful if the microfilm machine could be fixed promptly. I need it for an important project for my job at the TWU Office of Alumni Relations and without it, our progress is being set behind. It is very important that we get back on track as soon as possible. Thank You
The machine in question was repaired this past Monday. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you,
Mickey Dudley Russell Library Administration
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Here's a suggestion: when hours are posted, it is best to follow the hours you've set for your own department. Had I known that Sunday, May 4, 7 am to 2 am is merely a suggestion or a wish list I would not have been here well before noon, which apparently is the time the library actually opens on May 4.
Response: We are very sorry for any inconvenience you had to deal with. This happened to be a glitch that occurred in the automatic calendar. We thought we caught it early but in your case not. It has been corrected and will not happen again. Again, we apologize for the aggravation you were caused.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
Monday, April 21, 2014
I love the library! Please make it so people who bring their own laptops can print to the printers wirelessly.
The Library works closely with the Texas Woman’s University Technology department to make sure we stay in line with technology directions. Currently the campus doesn’t provide for this type of printing, but we are exploring options as to how this could work.
As you know printing at TWU is free, and we have explored some options for personal device printing. Currently there are so many different devices that are brought to campus it makes it difficult to find the right solution that our library technology staff can support and maintain.
We will continue to explore options and hopefully find the right solution to support this in the future.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
Phone: 940-898-3909
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Library fines should be able to be paid online.
Thank you for submitting your suggestion to the TWU Libraries. Paying fines online is something that we are looking into. Our former library system made it difficult to implement this service, although it is something we have wanted to do for a long time. I realize that the convenience of paying online is important to our students.
I appreciate your suggestion.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
Blagg-Huey Library
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
- I appreciate the library and that it is very serving to TWU students, however it is extremely cold in the library! While this may not seem like a big deal it's an uncomfortable feeling to be so cold when I'm here (it kind of makes me not want to come a little-I mean I will come but it's just uncomfortable). Thank you for the suggestion box!
Thank you for taking time to send us your suggestion. You are letting us know the Library is extremely cold. I have turned your written suggestion over to our TWU Power Plant. The Power Plant takes care of the air and heat flow for the entire campus. Since our building is a unique structure with the rotunda in the middle of the building, it causes all the air from the opening and shutting of the front doors of the library to enter the building and be pulled to the rotunda and once it hits this area the air is distributed to all the floors above as well as the 1st floor. Also, we have increased the heat in the building by a few degrees. We hope by doing this it will help the situation until the Power Plant can find a better solution to our problem.
Again, thank you for taking time to let us hear from you.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
940 898 3746
Turn the vending machine room into a coffee shop?
Thank you for your suggestion. We looked into doing this two years ago. The area is not plumbed for food service due to water not being available in this area. However, we do offer coffee breaks during finals in Library 101 Joyce Thompson Lecture Hall and we will explore food service again this upcoming year.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administrative Manger
Friday, March 21, 2014
Over spring break I took a day off of work to come to the library to get some much needed research done. Or let me rephrase that, I TRIED to get some research done. I came in Friday morning at around 9:30 and went to the reference section where the books about literature are. There were three library staff members apparently having some ad hoc meeting outside some of those offices. They were very very loud and did not seem to care at all that they work in a Library. After about twenty minutes I gave up and went back home. I realize that I came in on spring break. But I took a day off work to come to the library and try to get research done. Does anyone that works in this library care that there are employees that are being very loud, rude and just obnoxious? Isn't there some policy in this library about telling someone that works in the library to realize that they are being too loud? I wonder if these staff members were to come to my workplace and found me and my coworkers engaged in this type of behavior would they consider us rude. Can this stop? Or am I expecting too much for me to be able to come to the library and get some of my research work done? I know that I can't expect church mouse noise levels, but this conversation was way too loud, way too rude, and went on far too long.
Thank you for letting me know the frustration and inconvenience you were caused during spring break when you took the day off to study in Blagg-Huey Library. I regret it was too noisy for you to get your research accomplished and I will alert staff to the noise problem with the expectation that it will not happen again.
I appreciate that you would rather not complain in person; however, if you should encounter a problem in the future I hope you will let me know. Our solutions to combat noise depend on the circumstances but in all cases I appreciate the opportunity to ensure you have a positive experience.
Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Friday, January 17, 2014
My suggestion is to consider again the purchase of ISI so that we can look up h indexes as a measure of faculty research productivity in popular areas. Many University professors are judged based on this index, and it has been recommended as an essential tool for PT programs that are in the national research intensive group, yet we cannot access this index at TWU.
Thank you for sending us your suggestion to reconsider the purchase of ISI for the libraries. ISI is part of a product called “Web of Science”, which the TWU Libraries looked at twice in the last 6 years. We were not able to purchase it due to its high cost. However, the publisher of “Web of Science” has just introduced a new platform so I have contacted them to check on pricing once again.
We appreciate your communications.
Thank you.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
Blagg-Huey Library
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Please consider opening the Dallas Center on Sundays. Commuter students living in Dallas, Cedar Hill, Mesquite, and other surrounding cities have to travel to the Denton, on a Sunday,when library services are needed. This happens often especially for doctoral students. A trial period with Sunday services from noon to 5pm would offer both students and TWU the opportunity to evaluate whether or not a Sunday opening of the Dallas Center is needed. Thank you for the opportunity to make this suggestion.
Thank you for your suggestion. In Dallas the libraries provide services when the campus is open and currently the Dallas campus is closed on Sundays. I will share your suggestion with the Dallas campus manager and we will monitor the number of requests.
Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman's University