Accessing journals is three clicks after some hunting. Any chance of the journal list appearing on the home page?
Thank you for your comment regarding access to journals. With the new discovery system we are working through changes, and how to best provide access to the resources we provide. I would suggest that you try using the “Catalog Search” and type in the journal you are looking for. That scopes it to content that we have and is the most current.
When the facets come up on the left you can select Journal if you want to be even more specific.
The previous A-Z listing was only for electronic journals but doesn’t represent our print holdings. This option is still available in the catalog search, or by selecting Advanced search.
I hope that helps and am always looking for ways to improve discovery.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
PO Box 425528
Denton TX 76204-5528
Phone: 940-898-3909
Fax: 940-898-3764