1. add printer to 3rd floor
2. have more big tables
3. 24 hr. access as student
4. line interior walls with more tables
Thank you for your suggestions.
You requested another Printer for the 3rd floor. I am sorry to say at this time due to budgetary restraints we will not be able to install a printer to the 3rd floor.
Your second request was to add more big tables to the 3rd floor. We are looking at the 3rd floor to add new furniture. We will keep everyone posted as this process continues.
Your fourth request was to add tables to the interior walls. This we have done in the past and these tables seem to move to other areas magically by themselves into study rooms. This tells us study groups need the tables in the study rooms. Also, the 3rd floor is a "Quiet Study Floor". Tables out in the open areas seem to invite the noise level to rise. We do have large tables located on the 1st and 2nd floors. Hopefully this will be of help to you.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration