Monday, May 20, 2013

Thank you for taking my suggestions which are: (1) have a drop box for the return of items after hours at the Inwood location. Many students use this facility and it would be of good service to provide a measure for return of borrowed materials after hours instead of driving to Denton. Rationale for this suggestion is that most students who utilize the Inwood location are Distance Learning Students. To have to drive to Denton to return a book is very costly especially when students have limited resources. (2) have Sunday hours. Currently, myself and others have to use the UTSW Library on Sundays because the Inwood location is not available. If there are a lot of students at UTSW, then we are not able to use the facility. If you will not consider Sunday hours, consider a consortium with UTSW for TWU students to use their facilities. Without access to a library, quiet areas to study and work on dissertations, student success can not be accomplished. Most students set aside times to study on the weekend and I am certain these students would treasure a place on Sunday to go and study that is closer than drivign to Denton. (3) stay open later on Saturdays. Graduate students working on their dissertations use the Inwood location on the weekends but have to pack up and go find a second location when the library closes early on Saturday. Yes, the lab is open but the quality of study locations in the lab area is not the same. Most students on Saturday utilizing the lab are on Facebook pages, checking Twitter accounts, holding conversations inside the lab with their outside voices. This is a major distraction. Please consider having a dialogue regarding these suggestions and again, thank you for any consideration provided.

Thank you for taking the time to share your suggestions. Excellent student support is one of the library’s top priorities. Our Dallas librarians are exploring book drop options with TWU’s Assistant Director of Design Services.

Library hours in Dallas are restricted to building hours. On Saturdays when the library closes at 2:00 pm you have an option to move to the unmanned portion of library that remains open for quiet study until the building closes at 7:00 pm. TWU students who show their university ids may use the UTSW library on Sundays between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm. I understand UTSW may be reviewing their access policies; however, I would not expect you to encounter a limit on the number of students as long as you show your TWU identification. We will continue to assess service issues and the need for longer hours in Dallas.

Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

More electrical plugs to charge computers. More copiers and scanners available. Have at least 3-5 on each floor.

Adding a Printer on the third floor of the library is necessary, because students do not want to leave all their things unattended and it is too much of a hassle to take everything and bring it back.

Thank you for your recent suggestions.

We do our best to listen to our students and he1p them with their needs.

We will install more electrical outlets thru out the building. We will do our best to get this done over the summer.

We will are going to add scanners to the 2nd and 3rd floor. As far as printers, at this time we are not able to provide additional printers due to budgetary restraints.

Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
1. add printer to 3rd floor
2. have more big tables
3. 24 hr. access as student
4. line interior walls with more tables


Thank you for your suggestions.

You requested another Printer for the 3rd floor. I am sorry to say at this time due to budgetary restraints we will not be able to install a printer to the 3rd floor.

Your second request was to add more big tables to the 3rd floor. We are looking at the 3rd floor to add new furniture. We will keep everyone posted as this process continues.

Your fourth request was to add tables to the interior walls. This we have done in the past and these tables seem to move to other areas magically by themselves into study rooms. This tells us study groups need the tables in the study rooms. Also, the 3rd floor is a "Quiet Study Floor". Tables out in the open areas seem to invite the noise level to rise. We do have large tables located on the 1st and 2nd floors. Hopefully this will be of help to you.

Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration

Monday, May 6, 2013

- I think the library can get more students to study more in there if they change the lighting. TWU's library has a tint of yellow which makes the place look dim and sleepy. Comparing to UNT's library, they have brighter lights which help us stay awake while studying. After 4 hours of studying at TWU's library it makes me sleepy, but i am able to stay at the Willis Library longer without getting sleepy. Just a suggestion. Thank you!

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. If you will notice the next time you are in the building you will see that we are in the process of changing our lighting. The yellow tints that you see are the bulbs that are of the older type. If you look around you will see brighter lighting is being installed. The problem is we are replacing the old bulbs as they go out due to the astronomical cost of replacing them all at once. The can lighting has already been changed and this has helped tremendously.
We have thousands of lights in our building and I expect it will take us at least a year to replace all the old florescent lighting with the new “Daylight” lighting.

Please be patient with us and again thank you for taking the time to let us talk with you.

Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration