Thursday, October 20, 2011

The noise from the construction in the library is horrible. How are students supposed to study? Where else on campus can we go if we cannot depend on a quiet library? I understand that the construction needs to be done, but they should do over nights when the library is closed. We have tried to find a quiet place on every floor.

Thank you for taking time to speak to us about the construction noise. If you do not already know, the library has flooded on numerous occasions throughout the years. This construction is to correct the flooding problem. Unfortunately the work that is being done to water protect the building cannot be done during night time hours. The construction taking place has to be done in the most optimum light due to the precise cutting of the bricks and the foundation of the building, plus not digging or cutting into steam, electrical, and data wiring that is buried beneath our building. Another reason for construction to be done during the day is to not cut or dig into water pipes that supply the campus.

Each day construction stops around 3:30 – 4:00 PM and we are open until midnight Sunday through Thursday. We are opened on Fridays until 10:00 PM and on Saturday until 6:00 PM. Hopefully this bit of information will be helpful to you.

On a brighter note, the construction is ahead of schedule and therefore could be finished within a few weeks rather than a few months.

We are sorry for any inconveniences you have experienced.

Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administrative Office
940 898 3746