Monday night around 6pm my computer at home developed a problem keeping a stable connection to the Internet. I needed to complete an online final that evening, since I didn't want my internet to go down, I packed up and came to the library. I got to the building around 6:30 found a computer and started my exam. At 7pm the coffeebreak for the evening was announced, twice. I was already frustrated and on edge, and these announcements broke my concentration.I didn't want to leave and go back home, and was stuck where I was due to me starting my final. Then closer to 8pm, the coffee break was announced again,twice. This broke my concentration again. I would like to suggest that these announcements be made once and once only. I realize the need for them,but four got excessive and overly disruptive.
Thank you for contacting the TWU Libraries concerning our Finals Coffee Breaks for students. I can certainly understand your need to concentrate on your exam while here and that the coffee break announcements were distracting to you. We announce this so that students can take a study break and get some free coffee and snacks to relieve stress. The only reason we do it twice is to make sure the people who arrived after the first announcement were informed before we closed the refreshments down. We do post signs to let students know that we have these breaks twice per evening during finals. My suggestion is that if you are in this situation again, you reserve a study room away from the speakers so that you are able to concentrate better and that you consider using headphones or ear buds to lessen the sound.
I apologize for these announcements but we have no other way to let students know that we are offering them free food and drinks.
Thank you again for expressing your concern.
Kristine Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Please make the Dallas campus with free printing like the Denton Campus.
I am sorry you had a different experience in Dallas than expected. The libraries offer the same printing services in Dallas that we do in Denton. My understanding is black and white printing at all three locations are print release managed and free. If you need to print more than 20 pages you have to send jobs in batches. Making a copy does incur charges that the library doesn’t actually manage but is through student life. If you would like to further discuss this with me I am happy to talk with you.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
Phone: 940-898-3909
Please make the Dallas campus with free printing like the Denton Campus.
I am sorry you had a different experience in Dallas than expected. The libraries offer the same printing services in Dallas that we do in Denton. My understanding is black and white printing at all three locations are print release managed and free. If you need to print more than 20 pages you have to send jobs in batches. Making a copy does incur charges that the library doesn’t actually manage but is through student life. If you would like to further discuss this with me I am happy to talk with you.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
Phone: 940-898-3909
Monday, November 30, 2015
The Library should be opened 24hours like at UNT. I work late hours and its so hard for me to make it to the library within the times thats its opened so i find my self at the UNT library with my friends who also go to Twu. College calls for many overnighters and the library is the perfcet place for us to study and stay focused.
I’m delighted you find the library the perfect place for students to study and stay focused and I appreciate your suggestion that TWU extend library hours. I am very pleased that in addition to extending Blagg-Huey Library hours during finals, Blagg-Huey will open earlier and close later beginning January, 2016. Planned hours are:
Mon -Th. 7am-2am
Fri - 7:30am -10pm
Sat - 9am-8pm Sun - NOON- 2am
The link to the library calendar is
Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman's University
940/898-3764 FAX
The Library should be opened 24hours like at UNT. I work late hours and its so hard for me to make it to the library within the times thats its opened so i find my self at the UNT library with my friends who also go to Twu. College calls for many overnighters and the library is the perfcet place for us to study and stay focused.
I’m delighted you find the library the perfect place for students to study and stay focused and I appreciate your suggestion that TWU extend library hours. I am very pleased that in addition to extending Blagg-Huey Library hours during finals, Blagg-Huey will open earlier and close later beginning January, 2016. Planned hours are:
Mon -Th. 7am-2am
Fri - 7:30am -10pm
Sat - 9am-8pm Sun - NOON- 2am
The link to the library calendar is
Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman's University
940/898-3764 FAX
Please invite the dogs more often.
Thank you for contacting the TWU Libraries regarding the therapy dogs. We brought them in last semester during finals for the first time and they were so well received that we are bringing them in again this December. We will have 6 dogs instead of 4 dogs and will prepare a larger area so that students do not have to wait in line so long. I am so glad that you liked this stress-reliever. We loved it too!
Kristine Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
Please invite the dogs more often.
Thank you for contacting the TWU Libraries regarding the therapy dogs. We brought them in last semester during finals for the first time and they were so well received that we are bringing them in again this December. We will have 6 dogs instead of 4 dogs and will prepare a larger area so that students do not have to wait in line so long. I am so glad that you liked this stress-reliever. We loved it too!
Kristine Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
Monday, November 9, 2015
library hours on sunday that begin at midday
Thank you for your suggestion that TWU extend library hours. I am pleased to share with you that in addition to extending Blagg-Huey Library hours during finals, Blagg-Huey will open earlier and close later beginning January, 2016. Planned hours are:
Mon -Th. 7am-2am
Fri - 7:30am -10pm
Sat - 9am-8pm
Sun - NOON- 2am
The link to the library calendar is
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman's University
940/898-3764 FAX
library hours on sunday that begin at midday
Thank you for your suggestion that TWU extend library hours. I am pleased to share with you that in addition to extending Blagg-Huey Library hours during finals, Blagg-Huey will open earlier and close later beginning January, 2016. Planned hours are:
Mon -Th. 7am-2am
Fri - 7:30am -10pm
Sat - 9am-8pm
Sun - NOON- 2am
The link to the library calendar is
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman's University
940/898-3764 FAX
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Good day, just to let you know there is a good-sized congress of wasps checking out the roof area of library, visible from balcony at both the north and south edges of building, sometimes swooping down toward the balcony itself. Thank you.
Thank you for taking notice of the Yellow Jacket (WASPS). We have had this problem for years. We have had the interior of the Library painted with a special paint that the Wasps do not like so they will not come in our building. As far as the outside of the building, I will turn it into Facilities Management and see if there is something that can be done on the outside. We will be getting a new roof soon and this probably will take care of the problem. Facilities will probably take care of the problem then.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administrative Manager
940 898 3746
Good day, just to let you know there is a good-sized congress of wasps checking out the roof area of library, visible from balcony at both the north and south edges of building, sometimes swooping down toward the balcony itself. Thank you.
Thank you for taking notice of the Yellow Jacket (WASPS). We have had this problem for years. We have had the interior of the Library painted with a special paint that the Wasps do not like so they will not come in our building. As far as the outside of the building, I will turn it into Facilities Management and see if there is something that can be done on the outside. We will be getting a new roof soon and this probably will take care of the problem. Facilities will probably take care of the problem then.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administrative Manager
940 898 3746
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Dear Blagg-Huey, I have tried looking more closely at the Lady statues, as you suggested to "They have all sort of machine parts that compose them.. the Lady of the Night has an old fashion lawn mower for a base", but when doing that their ghostly side becomes only more strong. This lawnmower cuts to my sprouts of happiness when I look into it. Worried for that these Night Ladies must be offset with a positive statue force to balance the energies so that a good tone for study and learning will root down in the library, especially when we need luck and study late at night. Maybe they could go in the ASSC or Art Hall which is not open late as library. Thank you, and thank you for taking to heart my suggestions regarding these spooky statues and for your great library and services.
I am happy that you took time to take a hard look at the statues. The University accepted the statues, not the Library. I am sorry to say it was part of a gift agreement when the University accepted the statues that they be placed in the Library. We had no control of the situation. I also want you to know as many people that do not like them there is a large amount of people that do like them.
I am attaching the actual translation of both these statues to give you better insight as to their meaning.
I hope this helps. Also, I noticed while reading about the two statues there are misspelled words. I am assuming the person that gifted the statues wrote this in a hurry. Both statues have been in this building for 20 years.
Translations of the Statues:
When I first saw "The Lady of the Day" in the lovely garden of the Fielding Institute at the Shipley exhibit in Santa Barbara, I found myself strangely drawn to her. Vines of leaves and photographic slides attached to her skirt, her weight slung over to one side with burdens, and she glowed in transcendent bliss. Later I came to know that this peaceful composed Madonna is one powerful side of womanhood, but there is another side which balances this sweet one--"The Woman of the Night."
This powerful woman may only come out in my dreams, yet I knew her power was also essential. In the 1980's, I carried out ta research project in which fifty-three Texas women participated intensely. There were high achieving women, who were college students, many of them working on graduate degrees. They were also mothers and held down full of part time jobs with responsibilities. They were carrying a triple burden. In addition they were carrying loaded memories which I refer to as "hauntings" from "ghosts" and "inspiriations" from "spirits" of their childhoods. (see my book, Becoming, Mature: Childhood Ghosts and Spirits in Adult Life. 1989, Aldine de Gruyter.)
There is a wild spirit, akin to that of loyal wolves which women have been said lately to "run with" hiding beneath the muscles fo the ladies of the day. "The Woman of the Night is a fierce woman, with hips that could roll over everything like a lawn mower, a woman who would defend her turf and protect those she loves. She may be "Shiva the Destrotyer", The Jungian "Terrible Mother" archetype, the Witch, the Hag, the Crone, the one who puts up with no nonsense. She wears a mask which protects her unknowable essences but reaveals herself to be a pwoerful queen, or angry leopard. She is one who would dig her teeth into a snare and remove it from her baby's ankle and who frieghtened me in the mirror of my dreams. Then I realized she is on my side.
So these two sides of a complete women's soul encompass both the day and the night, the Yin and the Yang, the male and the female, the happy and the sad, the joyful and the angry, the open and the closed, the vulnerable and the formidable.
Valerie Malhotra Bentz, was Associate Professor in Sociaology and Social Work at Texas Woman's University from 1978 until 1992. She is currently (1996) living in Santa Barbara, California, where she is Associate Dean and Professor at The Fielding Institute.
Mickey Dudley Russell Library
Administrative Manager
940-940 3746
Dear Blagg-Huey, I have tried looking more closely at the Lady statues, as you suggested to "They have all sort of machine parts that compose them.. the Lady of the Night has an old fashion lawn mower for a base", but when doing that their ghostly side becomes only more strong. This lawnmower cuts to my sprouts of happiness when I look into it. Worried for that these Night Ladies must be offset with a positive statue force to balance the energies so that a good tone for study and learning will root down in the library, especially when we need luck and study late at night. Maybe they could go in the ASSC or Art Hall which is not open late as library. Thank you, and thank you for taking to heart my suggestions regarding these spooky statues and for your great library and services.
I am happy that you took time to take a hard look at the statues. The University accepted the statues, not the Library. I am sorry to say it was part of a gift agreement when the University accepted the statues that they be placed in the Library. We had no control of the situation. I also want you to know as many people that do not like them there is a large amount of people that do like them.
I am attaching the actual translation of both these statues to give you better insight as to their meaning.
I hope this helps. Also, I noticed while reading about the two statues there are misspelled words. I am assuming the person that gifted the statues wrote this in a hurry. Both statues have been in this building for 20 years.
Translations of the Statues:
When I first saw "The Lady of the Day" in the lovely garden of the Fielding Institute at the Shipley exhibit in Santa Barbara, I found myself strangely drawn to her. Vines of leaves and photographic slides attached to her skirt, her weight slung over to one side with burdens, and she glowed in transcendent bliss. Later I came to know that this peaceful composed Madonna is one powerful side of womanhood, but there is another side which balances this sweet one--"The Woman of the Night."
This powerful woman may only come out in my dreams, yet I knew her power was also essential. In the 1980's, I carried out ta research project in which fifty-three Texas women participated intensely. There were high achieving women, who were college students, many of them working on graduate degrees. They were also mothers and held down full of part time jobs with responsibilities. They were carrying a triple burden. In addition they were carrying loaded memories which I refer to as "hauntings" from "ghosts" and "inspiriations" from "spirits" of their childhoods. (see my book, Becoming, Mature: Childhood Ghosts and Spirits in Adult Life. 1989, Aldine de Gruyter.)
There is a wild spirit, akin to that of loyal wolves which women have been said lately to "run with" hiding beneath the muscles fo the ladies of the day. "The Woman of the Night is a fierce woman, with hips that could roll over everything like a lawn mower, a woman who would defend her turf and protect those she loves. She may be "Shiva the Destrotyer", The Jungian "Terrible Mother" archetype, the Witch, the Hag, the Crone, the one who puts up with no nonsense. She wears a mask which protects her unknowable essences but reaveals herself to be a pwoerful queen, or angry leopard. She is one who would dig her teeth into a snare and remove it from her baby's ankle and who frieghtened me in the mirror of my dreams. Then I realized she is on my side.
So these two sides of a complete women's soul encompass both the day and the night, the Yin and the Yang, the male and the female, the happy and the sad, the joyful and the angry, the open and the closed, the vulnerable and the formidable.
Valerie Malhotra Bentz, was Associate Professor in Sociaology and Social Work at Texas Woman's University from 1978 until 1992. She is currently (1996) living in Santa Barbara, California, where she is Associate Dean and Professor at The Fielding Institute.
Mickey Dudley Russell Library
Administrative Manager
940-940 3746
Wirelessprinting.When I check out a chrome book would like to be able to print from the laptop
Thank you for this suggestion and I hope you enjoyed using the Chromebook. We have looked at wireless printing solutions, but the campus has not decided on how to handle wireless options. We will continue to explore this service for the library.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
Phone: 940-898-3909
Wirelessprinting.When I check out a chrome book would like to be able to print from the laptop
Thank you for this suggestion and I hope you enjoyed using the Chromebook. We have looked at wireless printing solutions, but the campus has not decided on how to handle wireless options. We will continue to explore this service for the library.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
Phone: 940-898-3909
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
some of the computers in the computer lab don't have chrome installed, it is very useful for saving passwords and remembering bookmarks
Thank you for the suggestion to put Chrome on the computers in the lab. The lab in the past has been managed by the technology department and had a different software installation than the rest of the computers in the library. The library will work with the Technology group to ensure Chrome is loaded for student use.
Thanks for the suggestion.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
Phone: 940-898-3909
some of the computers in the computer lab don't have chrome installed, it is very useful for saving passwords and remembering bookmarks
Thank you for the suggestion to put Chrome on the computers in the lab. The lab in the past has been managed by the technology department and had a different software installation than the rest of the computers in the library. The library will work with the Technology group to ensure Chrome is loaded for student use.
Thanks for the suggestion.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical Support
Phone: 940-898-3909
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
I think that it would be more helpful to be able to see what books are available at the library. So instead of walking all the way to the library to find out the book you need isn't there, you would be able to check online on the Twu Library home page.
Thank you for submitting a request to the Library’s Suggestion Box asking for a way to find out the availability of the materials we own.
The library’s online system is easily accessible from our homepage at
To search for materials, you enter the information in the TWUniversal search box and then click on Go. If you type in a title, you will either get a single title or a listing of possible title matches such as the one shown below when typing in “Guide to research in business education”: (images sent to requestor via email)
Here you can see that the first title is the one you are looking for and that it is available at the Denton library in the General Collection with a call number of HF1121 .G84. If you then click on “Get It’, you will see more specific information, indicating that the book is on the shelf and available for checkout:
You can get to our online catalog from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. This book should be on the shelf and if it were checked out, it would tell you that as well.
I apologize if you had difficulty finding this information. Please feel free to come to the Library’s Information Desk and get additional assistance if needed. We are happy to help. Thank you again.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
Blagg-Huey Library
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
I think that it would be more helpful to be able to see what books are available at the library. So instead of walking all the way to the library to find out the book you need isn't there, you would be able to check online on the Twu Library home page.
Thank you for submitting a request to the Library’s Suggestion Box asking for a way to find out the availability of the materials we own.
The library’s online system is easily accessible from our homepage at
To search for materials, you enter the information in the TWUniversal search box and then click on Go. If you type in a title, you will either get a single title or a listing of possible title matches such as the one shown below when typing in “Guide to research in business education”: (images sent to requestor via email)
Here you can see that the first title is the one you are looking for and that it is available at the Denton library in the General Collection with a call number of HF1121 .G84. If you then click on “Get It’, you will see more specific information, indicating that the book is on the shelf and available for checkout:
You can get to our online catalog from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. This book should be on the shelf and if it were checked out, it would tell you that as well.
I apologize if you had difficulty finding this information. Please feel free to come to the Library’s Information Desk and get additional assistance if needed. We are happy to help. Thank you again.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
Blagg-Huey Library
PO Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
More Chrome books! They are so popular and easy to use yet, everyone always checks them out and so there are rarely any available
More Chrome books! They are so popular and easy to use yet, everyone always checks them out and so there are rarely any available
Glad you are liking this new service! The Library is
experiencing a high volume of use right now as school starts. We have 10
chromebooks in circulation for use, and Monday (8/24/15) they were checked out
20 times. Two have not been used at all so there should have been one
available. I have visited with the staff that handle checkout and asked
them to alert me if availability is low.
David Schuster
Texas Woman's University
Director of Library Information Technology & Technical
Phone: 940-898-3909
Monday, July 20, 2015
Those waxen Lady sculptures are mighty spooky! Can Library get new sculptures instead? Thank you for being a great library.
The Lady of the Day and Lady of the Night were a gift to the University and it was decided by the Chancellor and the donor they were to be on display in our Library. If you look at them very closely you will find them very interesting. They have all sort of machine parts that compose them. For example the Lady of the Night has an old fashion lawn mower for a base.
I am sorry they are spooky to you, but there is no way they can be removed from the spot they are in.
Mickey Dudley Russell
TWU Library Administrative Manager
940 898 3746
Those waxen Lady sculptures are mighty spooky! Can Library get new sculptures instead? Thank you for being a great library.
The Lady of the Day and Lady of the Night were a gift to the University and it was decided by the Chancellor and the donor they were to be on display in our Library. If you look at them very closely you will find them very interesting. They have all sort of machine parts that compose them. For example the Lady of the Night has an old fashion lawn mower for a base.
I am sorry they are spooky to you, but there is no way they can be removed from the spot they are in.
Mickey Dudley Russell
TWU Library Administrative Manager
940 898 3746
Thursday, May 7, 2015
I think it would better benefit students if the extended hours for finals week started the Friday before finals week. Most finals are on Monday and Tuesday, so only extending hours on Sunday before finals just assumes everyone is cramming. I love to come to the library because it gives me a place of calm so I can focus on the crazy, so I think it would be great if hours were extended earlier.
Library staff are committed to providing a tranquil place for studying. Currently the University is exploring whether it is possible to modify Blagg-Huey so that we can open a portion of the first floor to increase extended study hours; otherwise, we have to open up 137,000 square feet. We are looking for the best solution and I appreciate your letting me know the service is appreciated. Thank you.
Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
I think it would better benefit students if the extended hours for finals week started the Friday before finals week. Most finals are on Monday and Tuesday, so only extending hours on Sunday before finals just assumes everyone is cramming. I love to come to the library because it gives me a place of calm so I can focus on the crazy, so I think it would be great if hours were extended earlier.
Library staff are committed to providing a tranquil place for studying. Currently the University is exploring whether it is possible to modify Blagg-Huey so that we can open a portion of the first floor to increase extended study hours; otherwise, we have to open up 137,000 square feet. We are looking for the best solution and I appreciate your letting me know the service is appreciated. Thank you.
Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
- I think it would better benefit students if the extended hours for finals week started the Friday before finals week. Most finals are on Monday and Tuesday, so only extending hours on Sunday before finals just assumes everyone is cramming. I love to come to the library because it gives me a place of calm so I can focus on the crazy, so I think it would be great if hours were extended earlier.
Thank you for your suggestion about extended hours:
Every semester the Library reconsiders their extended hours for finals, usually based upon our attendance numbers from the previous semester’s finals. We did extend our weekend hours last year and found that there were not many students coming to the Library so that is why we did not extend them more than on Sunday this year. We do appreciate hearing your feedback and will definitely reconsider the hours next semester to better accommodate our students’ needs.
Thank you for your suggestion. The Libraries enjoy hearing from our students. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
- I think it would better benefit students if the extended hours for finals week started the Friday before finals week. Most finals are on Monday and Tuesday, so only extending hours on Sunday before finals just assumes everyone is cramming. I love to come to the library because it gives me a place of calm so I can focus on the crazy, so I think it would be great if hours were extended earlier.
Thank you for your suggestion about extended hours:
Every semester the Library reconsiders their extended hours for finals, usually based upon our attendance numbers from the previous semester’s finals. We did extend our weekend hours last year and found that there were not many students coming to the Library so that is why we did not extend them more than on Sunday this year. We do appreciate hearing your feedback and will definitely reconsider the hours next semester to better accommodate our students’ needs.
Thank you for your suggestion. The Libraries enjoy hearing from our students. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kris Reed
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
Monday, May 4, 2015
Wednesday night, here to study for finals, too much noise for quiet study on third floor. Group having a meeting in glassed area were very loud and shouting at each other. Also book shelvers were talking loudly. Too much noise. I reported to Chat but nothing happened and noone responded. Thankfully someone else could not handle the noise and asked the group to be quiet. Can anything be done to have more quiet areas?
We are monitoring feedback about the noise on the 3rd floor particularly the glassed enclosed conference room that are used at night for study areas. The Library Security Guards have been asked to pay close attention to these areas. If there are noise problems, please call 940 898 3702 or 940 898 3719 and ask that a Security Guard to be sent immediately to the 3rd floor to take care of the problem promptly.
Thank you for taking time to bring this to our attention.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administrative Manager
940 898 3746
Wednesday night, here to study for finals, too much noise for quiet study on third floor. Group having a meeting in glassed area were very loud and shouting at each other. Also book shelvers were talking loudly. Too much noise. I reported to Chat but nothing happened and noone responded. Thankfully someone else could not handle the noise and asked the group to be quiet. Can anything be done to have more quiet areas?
We are monitoring feedback about the noise on the 3rd floor particularly the glassed enclosed conference room that are used at night for study areas. The Library Security Guards have been asked to pay close attention to these areas. If there are noise problems, please call 940 898 3702 or 940 898 3719 and ask that a Security Guard to be sent immediately to the 3rd floor to take care of the problem promptly.
Thank you for taking time to bring this to our attention.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administrative Manager
940 898 3746
Friday, April 10, 2015
- Is there a way for somebody to patrol the third floor for noise? I shouldn't have to change locations 3+ times, because people are talking loudly and blaring music. Also, I would love to see the library have longer hours. Thanks
We do have officers patrolling each floor once an hour not only for security reasons, but for noise too. If this happens again, please report this to the 1st floor Information Desk and they will have an officer go to the location you are reporting and take care of the situation. There should be no blaring music anywhere in this building and reported immediately.
We will have longer hours for study during finals. You can go to our Library Homepage and get the exact times.
If I can be of further assistance please contact me.
Thank you for taking time to make you suggestion.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administrative Manager
940 898 3746
- Is there a way for somebody to patrol the third floor for noise? I shouldn't have to change locations 3+ times, because people are talking loudly and blaring music. Also, I would love to see the library have longer hours. Thanks
We do have officers patrolling each floor once an hour not only for security reasons, but for noise too. If this happens again, please report this to the 1st floor Information Desk and they will have an officer go to the location you are reporting and take care of the situation. There should be no blaring music anywhere in this building and reported immediately.
We will have longer hours for study during finals. You can go to our Library Homepage and get the exact times.
If I can be of further assistance please contact me.
Thank you for taking time to make you suggestion.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administrative Manager
940 898 3746
Friday, February 13, 2015
Since the signs apparently do not work as well as they should, could someone please please make regular rounds on the third floor to remind students that the third floor is a quiet floor and not for study groups. Today, Sunday, January 25 is the second time I have had to tell a group to quiet down. I do not think I should absolutely have to reserve a room for quiet especially when I enjoy using the double monitors on the quiet floor. Thank you.
We are so sorry you have been inconvenienced. We do our best to keep the 3rd floor a quiet floor. We do have Security Guards starting around 6 PM to Midnight during the week and on weekends Saturday all day and Sunday starting at 2 PM until Midnight. They do walk all floors. If however, if you do have a problem with noise, please feel free to call the Information desk, 898-3701 or 898 3702 and report the problem and one of our staff will help you.
We are exploring ways for our full time staff to walk all floors at least once an hour to curb noise on the 3rd floor or to prevent noise.
Also, you might explore the 2nd floor for the quiet space (not a study room). There are several areas students are not aware of because they are tucked away behind the stacks (south side of the floor). The areas are very quiet and have study carrels to use.
If you have any questions or concerns please call me (940 898 3746)
Thank you for informing us of this problem.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
Room 208
Since the signs apparently do not work as well as they should, could someone please please make regular rounds on the third floor to remind students that the third floor is a quiet floor and not for study groups. Today, Sunday, January 25 is the second time I have had to tell a group to quiet down. I do not think I should absolutely have to reserve a room for quiet especially when I enjoy using the double monitors on the quiet floor. Thank you.
We are so sorry you have been inconvenienced. We do our best to keep the 3rd floor a quiet floor. We do have Security Guards starting around 6 PM to Midnight during the week and on weekends Saturday all day and Sunday starting at 2 PM until Midnight. They do walk all floors. If however, if you do have a problem with noise, please feel free to call the Information desk, 898-3701 or 898 3702 and report the problem and one of our staff will help you.
We are exploring ways for our full time staff to walk all floors at least once an hour to curb noise on the 3rd floor or to prevent noise.
Also, you might explore the 2nd floor for the quiet space (not a study room). There are several areas students are not aware of because they are tucked away behind the stacks (south side of the floor). The areas are very quiet and have study carrels to use.
If you have any questions or concerns please call me (940 898 3746)
Thank you for informing us of this problem.
Mickey Dudley Russell
Library Administration
Room 208
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