Friday, March 21, 2014


Over spring break I took a day off of work to come to the library to get some much needed research done. Or let me rephrase that, I TRIED to get some research done. I came in Friday morning at around 9:30 and went to the reference section where the books about literature are. There were three library staff members apparently having some ad hoc meeting outside some of those offices. They were very very loud and did not seem to care at all that they work in a Library. After about twenty minutes I gave up and went back home. I realize that I came in on spring break. But I took a day off work to come to the library and try to get research done. Does anyone that works in this library care that there are employees that are being very loud, rude and just obnoxious? Isn't there some policy in this library about telling someone that works in the library to realize that they are being too loud? I wonder if these staff members were to come to my workplace and found me and my coworkers engaged in this type of behavior would they consider us rude. Can this stop? Or am I expecting too much for me to be able to come to the library and get some of my research work done? I know that I can't expect church mouse noise levels, but this conversation was way too loud, way too rude, and went on far too long.


Thank you for letting me know the frustration and inconvenience you were caused during spring break when you took the day off to study in Blagg-Huey Library. I regret it was too noisy for you to get your research accomplished and I will alert staff to the noise problem with the expectation that it will not happen again.

I appreciate that you would rather not complain in person; however, if you should encounter a problem in the future I hope you will let me know. Our solutions to combat noise depend on the circumstances but in all cases I appreciate the opportunity to ensure you have a positive experience.


Sherilyn Bird Dean of Libraries