Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The Classic Catalog on the library website was significantly more user friendly. TWUniversal is far more difficult to use.


I appreciate your letting library staff know that you found the Classic Catalog easier to use. Although many students report they like TWUniversal’s one search solution because it enables them retrieve books, journal articles and digital objects with one query, there are other types of library research for which TWUniversal works best when researchers use the advanced features. TWU Libraries offer one-on-one instruction with a librarian who can help you personalize queries and refine your search results. I would be pleased to arrange an instruction session for you. You may contact me at the email address below or contact a librarian on your campus for personalized instruction using TWUniversal.


Sherilyn Bird

Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman’s University
P.O. Box 425528
Denton, TX 76204-5528

940-898-3764 Fax

Monday, December 10, 2012

- Is there any way the library would consider extending their hours during finals week? I mostly am concerned about the Saturday and Sunday prior to finals week, as the library closes early on Saturday (6 pm) and opens late on Sunday (2 pm). I am not suggesting having it open 24 hours, but maybe if it could be more available on those two days? (i.e. Close at 10 pm/midnight Saturday, and open at 9 am on Sunday.) It's difficult for students to utilize the last weekend before early finals with the limited hours and other obligations.

Excellent student support is one of the library’s top priorities. A library survey conducted during Fall 2012 identified the need for longer hours to support students studying for finals. Blagg Huey library administration is considering safety and service issues and will work with student library advisors to determine which hours of extended service will be most helpful. I appreciate your suggestion that we extend hours on Saturday and Sunday before finals.

Sherilyn Bird
Dean of Libraries

Friday, December 7, 2012

I have been in the library for a few hours today trying to get extensive research finished before the end of the semester. The environment was quiet and acceptable until a second library attendant arrived has carried out a 45 min conversation loudly with her co-worker. Seriously library employees should not be talking and distracting. I am extremely aggravated and not sure how to nicely suggest she helps to provide a quiet environment.

Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. I am sorry you were disturbed while doing research in the TWU library. I will discuss your complaint with library staff and remind them to lower their voices in public areas. If I can be of further assistance please contact me.

Connie Maxwell
Assistant Dean of Libraries
Texas Woman's University